Smart Luck

Powerball File Changes – Sorting Numbers

We have changed the Powerball .slh file in order to add the numbers in draw order. This was due to a request by some customers. It is one of the only game files that we have available in draw order. However, not everyone wants the numbers in draw order, so we have also added a new feature in Advantage Gold that will work for the new Powerball file.

Sorting Powerball numbers in Advantage Gold .SLH file

  1. To see the drawings in sorted order:
    • Right click and select “Show Draws Sorted”.
    • Uncheck it to see the draws back in order drawn.
  2. To force the setting to be checked whenever this file is loaded:
    Click File | Preferences | Other, then check Auto select “Show Sorted” on Startup.
    This will force the file to show sorted when it is loaded but keeps the original order on the disk copy so you could always still see the information in order drawn by un-checking.
  3. To change your copy of the file to sorted only:
    • Click File | SLH Properties, or click the hammer icon then
    • Check Autosort Drawings
    • If you want to remove the ballsets, check No Ballsets
    • Click SAVE and click YES.
      This makes the file on the disk the same as what you see. The only way to get back the order drawn would be to download the file again from our web site.

NOTE: This ability requires Advantage Gold release or newer. Previous releases prevented saving changes to history files in the demo version.


If you do not own Advantage Gold, install it from our web site, then use it in Demo Mode. #3 above will work to get the file in the sorted low to high format.