What is the Adjacent Hit Chart? The Adjacent Hit Chart or Adjacent Number Tracker is a lotto strategy chart in Advantage Gold lottery software (option C) and the Lottery Master Guide book. The purpose of this chart is to show which of the lotto numbers on either side of last game's winning numbers are most likely to come up as winners in the next drawing. The chart tracks each lotto number in your selected lotto game, how many times that number hit as a winning number in a drawing, how many adjacent hits the number had, and the breakdown for each adjacent number.

For example, for lotto number 2, the chart might tell you that number 2 hit 100 times, had 20 adjacent hits, and of those 20 hits, 7 were from lotto number 1 and 13 were from lotto number 3. In addition to the number of hits, the chart also tells you the percentage of hits. Using this information, the Adjacent Hit chart shows you which adjacent lotto numbers are most likely to come up as winners in the next lottery drawing.

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